
 It is with tremendous honor and enthusiasm that I welcome you all to our newly invigorated labor union. As your elected president, I firmly believe that a strong and vibrant union is essential to cultivating a thriving academic community. More than just a bargaining unit, we are a community of scholars, researchers, and educators united by a common purpose, we are  a space for collaboration, mentorship, and the exchange of ideas. By joining together, we create a network of support that extends beyond our individual campuses, fostering a sense of solidarity and shared purpose.

Currently, the challenges facing higher education in Florida are significant; ranging from funding obstacles to legislative interference, we are confronted with an increasingly difficult environment in which to teach, conduct research, and serve our students.  UFF-FAMU is the shield against these challenges;  our tool for shaping a better future for ourselves and for the institutions we serve.  It serves as a powerful instrument to champion your rights, advocate for your professional needs, and ensure that your invaluable contributions are recognized and justly rewarded.

Together, we will strive to create a work environment that prioritizes academic freedom, fair compensation, and robust benefits. As such, let us  actively engage in constructive dialogue with the administration, seeking collaborative solutions that advance the interests of both our members and the institution we proudly serve.  We will continue to  stand united in our dedication to academic excellence and the pursuit of a just and equitable workplace for all. 

I am excited to embark on this journey alongside each of you, as we work together to build a brighter future for our HBCU and its invaluable faculty and academic staff. Our HBCU holds a unique and vital place within Florida’s educational landscape, and each of you play an indispensable role in shaping the minds of tomorrow’s leaders. I also invite each of you to actively participate in this journey, as the future of higher education in Florida is in our hands.  Attend our meetings, contribute your ideas, and let your voice be heard. Together, we can build a stronger, more equitable, and more vibrant academic community for all. Let’s make it a future we can all be proud of. 

Your active participation is paramount to our success and  I urge you to attend our meetings, voice your concerns, and contribute your unique perspectives to the collective discourse. 

 Please know that I am deeply committed to fostering a unified and empowered collective voice for all members of the UFF FAMuly..


In solidarity,
Samique March-Dallas, PhD.
FAMU Chapter
United Faculty of Florida (UFF) Labor Union


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